Archiv des Autors: Michael Wehle

Sometimes I read the news and I feel like a kid again.

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Do I respect the Prime Minister? 🤔

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Robert Moore, itv: There is now talk of the US starting air drops of food and medicines early next week. But to many humanitarian relief experts that will seem absurd. Air drops are a method of last resort to reach … Weiterlesen

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Deep indignation

Kommentare deaktiviert für Deep indignation

Daniela Klette

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Kommentare deaktiviert für Eisenach

The President of the United States hopes

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Kommentare deaktiviert für 27.02.1973

Norman Morrison

Not an unhappy man but one who could not stand in the silence of his mind the cathedral emptied of its ritual and sounding about his ears like a whirlwind. He cradled the child awhile then set her down nearby … Weiterlesen

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Sofia Orr refuses induction into the IDF

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Sevim Dağdelen: Nein zum Krieg gegen Russland

Kommentare deaktiviert für Sevim Dağdelen: Nein zum Krieg gegen Russland