Monatsarchive: August 2016

Arc of the Moral Universe

The arc of the moral universe is long, but it bends toward justice. —Martin Luther King, Jr. paraphrasing Theodore Parker, August, 1967 Heartening words, delivered by King in an inspiring fashion. This morning I got to asking myself though, what … Weiterlesen

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Brand New Congress

I thought the Brand New Congress meeting on Harrison last night was a real waste of time. There were two very nice young women presenting with a pitch which might have made more sense given to college students than the … Weiterlesen

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In the early 1930’s a scheme was developed for using telephone circuits to pipe music into places which leased the Muzak service.…In 1957 the Muzak library consisted of 49,000 selections (about 7,500 of which were in use at any one … Weiterlesen

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Authoritarianism and Polarization

When a worldview structures political disagreements, it puts a premium on being involved, even if the public’s issue preferences are not neatly matched to choices available at the elite level. —Marc Hetherington, Jonathan Weiler, Authoritarianism and Polarization in American Politics, (New York: … Weiterlesen

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