
Marko Martin, Welt:

Sehr geehrter Herr Bundespräsident, meine Damen und Herren – vor allem aber hochverehrte polnische Gäste, darunter auch Protagonisten der Solidarność-Revolution und der Mit-Initiator des Streiks auf der Danziger Werft: Ohne Ihren Mut hätte es überhaupt kein „1989“ gegeben. Da Sie bei dem heute anschließenden, ausschließlich deutschen Panel anscheinend nicht dazu geladen sind, deshalb von hier aus ein ganz herzliches Danke, Dziekuje bardzo!

35 Jahre Friedliche Revolution und – eine der Erinnerungs-Assoziationen – jener treffende Satz von Wolf Biermann bei seiner Rückkehr nach der Ausbürgerung auf dem Leipziger Konzert im Dezember 1989: „Ach, wenige nur waren wir – und viele sind übrig geblieben.“

Millionen von DDR-Bürgern waren jedenfalls damals nicht auf der Straße gewesen, sondern hatten quasi hinter den Wohnzimmergardinen abgewartet – was im Übrigen kein Werturteil ist, sondern lediglich ein quasi nachgetragener Fakten-Check, der so manch fortwirkende Mentalitäten erklärt.

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A vote for Jill Stein is a vote for Jill Stein

Jeffrey St. Clair:

+ Harris lost the popular vote by five million votes. Jill Stein only garnered 642,000 votes, just 25,000 more than RFK, Jr., who’d long since withdrawn. In no state did Stein get enough votes to cost Harris the state. Good luck blaming the Greens (which says much about the politically emaciated condition of the Greens). Even in Wisconsin (where Harris lost by only 31,000 votes), Stein, who captured only 12,666 votes, didn’t fare well enough to be blamed (or credited) for costing Harris the state. In Pennsylvania, Harris lost by 165,000 votes. Stein collected only 33,591 votes. In Michigan, where Stein had her best showing in a battleground state, winning 44,648 votes (0.8%), Harris lost to Trump by 82,000 votes.

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Für unsere hohen Steuern kriegen wir nur wenig

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Adam Tooze: American liberalism is profoundly narcissistic.

Adam Tooze: „American liberalism is profoundly narcissistic. They want to believe that they are a force for good and they’re organising the world. This may sound entirely insane, but they are profoundly convinced of this…“

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This November 5th the world teeters on the brink as a contest too razor thin to call proceeds with Democracy itself in the balance in the most important election of our lifetime.

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Oskar Lafontaine, NachDenkSeiten:

Als Mensch, der seit mehr als zwei Jahrzehnten wirklich in Europa und nicht in Deutschland lebt, kann ich immer wieder nur über die deutsche Engstirnigkeit staunen.

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Houthi Hunting Club

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Es gibt offensichtlich keine Regierung

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Donald Trump on Nord Stream 2 31.10.2024

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Georgia on my mind

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Hyperpolitics in America

Anton Jäger, New Left Review:

The ‘long decade’ of protest can then be recast less as a successful assault on the Washington citadel from below but rather as a mutation in the methods of managing elite-mass relations. The solution to the 2008 crisis of massively over-leveraged financial institutions—pumping the stock exchange and asset prices—further widened the gap between top and base across American politics, as between capital fractions. Yet it has not tilted the social gradient, and popular oversight over the apparatus of government remains weak.

This presents the chequered board on which the new political surge has been played out. The world hegemon’s public sphere has been reoccupied, yet the burst of re-politicization has not increased popular control over government nor put important areas of policymaking within grasp. The spectacular mismatch between output and input, which American political scientists had long diagnosed—public support for a proposal (for instance, Medicare) being negatively correlated with its chance of being implemented as a policy—has only deepened, as the Biden–Harris record shows.

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