Monatsarchive: August 2021

Im Stich lassen

Und als sein Vater, dessen Bruder und seine Mutter von der Inquisition verhaftet wurden, habe er beschlossen zu flüchten. »Du wirst mich jetzt natürlich fragen, ob ich sie im Stich gelassen habe? Jemanden im Stich lassen, das kann man doch … Weiterlesen

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Henry Giroux, CounterPunch: Manufactured catastrophes and historical amnesia—and with them a generalized sense of manufactured helplessness—now reign supreme in the new interregnum of late modernity, a kind of liminal space that serves to neutralize action, derail the challenges posed by … Weiterlesen

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BBC: Apple has announced details of a system to find child sexual abuse material (CSAM) on customers‘ devices. Before an image is stored onto iCloud Photos, the technology will search for matches of already known CSAM. Apple said that if … Weiterlesen

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The solace of belief in contrived reality

Kommentare deaktiviert für The solace of belief in contrived reality

World stage postures

BBC: Covid third wave: Americans ’scared and angry‘ as pandemic worsens It occurs to me that the BBC could just maintain the headline „Americans ’scared and angry’“ and use it as need be. There is no recovery of confidence or … Weiterlesen

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BBC: Twitter works with news sites to tackle disinformation Twitter will collaborate with two of the largest international news providers, Reuters and the Associated Press, to debunk disinformation on its messaging site. … The post said material from Reuters and … Weiterlesen

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BBC: About 200,000 people were imprisoned at the Sachsenhausen camp between 1936 and 1945. Political opponents, prisoners of war and persecuted groups were among those detained there by the SS, Nazi Germany’s foremost security agency. This phrasing strikes me as … Weiterlesen

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