„I have instructed the United States Navy to shoot down and destroy any and all Iranian gunboats if they harass our ships at sea,“ President Donald Trump tweeted Wednesday morning.
The Navy last week released photos and a video showing the Iranian Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps‘ navy boats making what the service described as repeated „dangerous and harassing approaches“ near U.S. ships operating in international waters. The boats swarmed the Navy and Coast Guard ships for an hour.
The incident was well reported at the time, but was mentioned Wednesday morning on „Fox & Friends“ when the hosts were discussing Iran’s new claim that it launched a military satellite into orbit. Trump is known to watch and respond to issues mentioned on „Fox & Friends.“
The president of the United States has given orders to „shoot down“ gunboats.
The gunboats made „dangerous and harassing approaches“ to US Navy and Coast Guard ships. The US Coast Guard vessels were on their guard a bit of a distance from the US coast.
The Military Times article seems to suggest the president of the United States gave this order as a result of watching a television show, a show on the Fox television network.
The world learned the president of the United States ordered the US Navy to fire on the vessels of another nation via social media, via a Tweet.