

Die Antwort der Kanzlerin auf die Kritik des amerikanischen Botschafters am Haushalt der Bundesregierung brauchte nicht lange. Sie wolle „etwas zurechtrücken“, sagte sie. Auch andere Politiker tadeln US-Botschafter Richard Grenell.


Politicians in Germany lashed out at President Donald Trump’s ambassador to their country on Tuesday, with some criticizing the diplomat and even calling for his expulsion from Berlin.

Richard Grenell was appointed by Trump in May of last year, and has drawn significant controversy in his relatively short tenure as ambassador. On Tuesday, Grenell openly criticized Germany’s defense spending, arguing it sent a “worrisome signal” to NATO allies. Those comments led to swift and severe backlash from several members of parliament.

The difference in tone between these two articles is really interesting. The audiences subscribe to, and will be encouraged to maintain, two fairly different views of their respective countries and the place each holds in the world.

Newsweek’s sources for their story are Deutsche Welle, The Financial Times, and The Guardian. Newsweek also links to previous pieces written by Newsweek Staff Writers Damien Sharkov, who says „Email me in English, Russian, Spanish or French,“ and Jessica Kwong, who „grew up speaking Spanish, Cantonese and English, in that order.“

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